CALMS 2023 Conference: Call for Abstracts
38th Annual Conference of the California Lake Management Society
October 11-13, 2023 • Lake Arrowhead, California
CALMS is accepting abstracts for oral presentations given during our annual conference on October 12, 2023. We encourage submissions related to any aspect of lake and reservoir management, limnology, dam construction or removal, and public engagement around lakes.
General Presentation Information
We will prioritize oral presentations that describe completed or well-advanced studies with lab and/or field data. We encourage presentations that also project future challenges and advances in lake management.
CALMS does not endorse specific products or services. Thus, any poster or presentation must include disclosure(s) of any and all relevant relationship(s) with: i) any and all corporations or ii) commercial product(s), iii) method(s), and iv) trade or brand name(s). The submitted abstract of an oral or poster presentation that includes such disclosure(s) shall also include the following wording: “The author(s) of this abstract has/have a financial interest in the (insert i through iv, as applicable) described.”
We require PowerPoint files for all oral presentations. We will provide laptop computers and LCD projectors. Presentation computers will not have internet access or sound output available. Presentations should be prepared accordingly.
Oral presentations will typically be allotted 20 minutes, including time for questions.
All presenters of accepted abstracts must register for the symposium no later than September 1st.
General Abstract Information
Abstracts are due by September 1, abstracts received after the deadline may not be accepted.
We accept abstracts only via the CALMS website. Abstracts must include the following information, as specified.
Title: Summarize accurately the subject of the presentation.
Authors: Provide names and affiliations of all authors.
Text: State the purpose, significant findings, and main conclusions of the work. Avoid statements like “Results will be presented“ and “Implications will be discussed.” Provide a concise summary of results and implications. Abstracts must not exceed 250 words; those in excess of 250 words may be truncated.