2020 Conference Presentations
Alicia Cortes - Mon Oct. 19 - Predicting Hypoxia in Clear Lake, CA
Bryan Fuhrmann - Tues Oct. 20 - Algae Management
Matt Kondolf - Wed Oct. 21 - Sustainably Managing Sediments in Rivers and Reservoirs
Mark Seelos - Thurs Oct. 22 - Slow Progress with Quicksilver: Lowering Fish Mercury in Mine Impacted Reservoirs using Hypolimnetic Oxygenation
Student Scholarship Awardee Presentations - Fri Oct. 23:
Ruth Thirkill - Using Biosonics Multibeam to Quantify California Reservoir Methane Emission Potential
Greg Jesmok - Mercury Dynamics in Castaic Lake
Bill Gray - Methane Emission Rates from Santa Clara County Reservoirs
Naivy Rodal Morales - Water Quality Before and After Oxygenation (Lake Hodges, San Diego)
Brittany Lopez Barreto - Post-Fire Effects on Cyanobacteria in Lakes Using Remote Sensing
Christine Parisek - Ecology of High Mountain Lakes - What Does Size Have to Do With It?